Wednesday 5 April 2017

French Updates

Assalam Dear Parents,

I hope my email finds you in a good health and Eman,
Here is  our newsletter from the French classroom. We had a great month! We learned the numbers 5 to 10 in French: cinq,six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
We learned some parts of the body:les yeux,le nez,la bouche.
We know the names of some colours:bleu,rouge,jaune,vert.
We can sing:
Le petit poisson dans l’eau nage, nage, nage, nage 
Gesture teaching : Bonjour, ami, cercle,madame,monsieur,lève-toi, assieds-toi,saute,arrête,marche, court, fantastique,finit,au revoir, chante,dors, se réveille !
 We introduced the play – Les trios petits cochons –
 Song – Qui a peur du méchant loup, qui a peur du méchant loup – With DVD.
Fais un dessin ? Game.

 Learning the names of the 7 days of the week in order through a fun and interactive song.

Talking about the weather, and learning about the different vocabulary associated with that through the weather/calendar songs. 

 We did French alphabet : F – G – H- I- J-K- L- M- N  new words  ( FILLE – GUITARE- HIBOU – IGLOO- JUS – KIWI – LOUP- MAISON- NEZ )
InshaAllah in the upcoming weeks we will continue working on:
    The  sounds and actions of some letters
    Practice writing French alphabet
   Counting to 20 in French
    Tracing the letters in our notebooks.
    Reading  new  French  words.
   For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at

French teacher coordinator