Tuesday 25 June 2013

Goodbye Dear JK1 Students :-(

ABC Farewell

Author Unknown

A is for the alphabet that we learned to say.

B is for boys and girls at work and at play.

C is for colors—red, yellow, blue, and green.

D is for drawing the best pictures you’ve ever seen.

E is for exercise—it keeps our bodies strong.

F is for the fun we had together all year long.

G is for the many friends we made throughout the year.

H is for happy hearts, filled with love and cheer.

I is for imagination and all the things we learned.

J is for a job well done and the praises we earned.

K is for kindergartners—hip, hip hooray!

L is for learning more and more each day.

M is for minding and showing everyone respect.

N is for numbers—one, two, three—perfect!

O is for the obstacles we learned to overcome.

P is for puppets and for playing rhythms on a drum.

Q is for all the questions we asked throughout the year.

R is for reading stories, even those that brought a tear.

S is for all the snacks that we so bravely tried.

T is for taking and giving—no one was denied.

U is for some of the unusual things we have done.

V is for our volunteers—moms, dads, and everyone!

W is for words—we learned more than just a few.

X is for extra special kids—him, her, and you.

Y is for yes—it sure has been a super year!

Z is for zest—let’s give ourselves a great big cheer!

Sunday 9 June 2013

Last 3 weeks of school

Re: Fun Last Weeks of School

Date: June 6, 2013

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents:
            The school year is almost over, but the fun is never ending in our kindergarten classes.  We have a few activities planned for the next few days, so please stick this letter on your fridge to keep up with all that’s happening in our busy kindergarten classrooms!!
Monday June 10th: Funny Socks Day: The children can wear socks that they think are funny. Try bright colours, bold pictures or mismatching!
Wednesday June 12th: Bubble Day:  Please send a bubble bottle with your child to enjoy outdoors with bubbly fun J
Monday June 17th: Ice Cream Day:  We are looking for your generous help on this day in providing ice cream for the class. If you prefer to send money, that’s great too. (There is a form at the bottom of the letter.)
Wednesday June 19th: Silly Costume/Dress Up Day: send your child to school wearing his/her favourite dress up costume, funny hat or any silly attire.
Friday June 21st: Water Gun Day Please send a water gun with your child to enjoy a splash in the sun (a small towel and a spare outfit is a good idea to send with your child on this day).
Monday June 24th: Strawberry Picking and Water Park Field trip day (tentative): Your child will get to pick his/her own fresh strawberries from the strawberry farm and bring them home for strawberry smoothies, or a strawberry pie! We are planning to head to a water park afterwards insha’Allah.  Please provide your child with a swim suit, towel and an extra outfit.
That will be all for now, 

Tr. Hiat and Tr.Nermin

Monday 3 June 2013

A Message from Sister Madliene

Assalamu alaikum dear parents;
I pray all is going well Inshallah.
On Wednesday, we read a nice book called " The Gruffalo".
The children enjoyed it a lot. We also colored a fun page
related to the book, and watched a movie as well.
I thought of listing the resources that I found  so that
you can look them up and hopefully enjoy them with your child.

1. " The Gruffalo " Book is available in the public library. 
   you can order it directly from this link:

2. " The Gruffalo " movie is also available in the public library:
3. The Gruffalo coloring page

   http://kidsfunreviewed.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03   /GruffaloColoringSheet.pdf
4. A complete list of material from Early Learning HQ
   (in free downloadable PDF format) which includes:
   * a number of coloring sheets for the main characters
Other useful -downloadable- material can also be found here:

*  http://www.primarytreasurechest.com/popular-book-resources/the-gruffalo.html
 Jazakum Allah Khair.
Sr. Madlien