Monday, 14 January 2013

Weekly Update

Theme: Amazing Arctic

Morning Circle:
Students shared stories of what they did during the winter break.
We read Quran, did the calendar, the weather and sang some nasheeds.
We talked about the life in the Arctic and how people and Animals adapt to weather there.
Some books were read to students such as (Jack Frost, First Day of Winter, My first Snow Man, Snowman Snowman What do you see?) 
Jazakum Allahu Khyran Tr. Aisha Petir and Sister Madleen for reading two of Dr. Suess stories to our students.
We also had fun making a snow man with the Jk2 class. You can see the picture on our bulletin board.

Language Arts:
We reviewed letters (a-i). Please check the following website for extra worksheets:
Students were taught the letter (Jj) and added it to our ABC song.
We reviewed sight words (a, the, I and to).


-          Reviewed numbers (0-6).
-          Learned how to count and trace the number 7.

-          We had tons of fun measuring, adding and mixing ingredients to make a no melt snow.
        I recommend you try it at home. To do so below are the ingredients:
-           Ingredients : (1 cup flour, ½ cup salt, ¾ cup water, ¼ cup white tempera paint, 2 T vegetable oil, 1/3 cup clear/ silver glitter) mix them together and cook them over medium heat until a ball forms. Cool in refrigerator and have fun!

-          Students worked on a craft called Sassy Snowman (hanged on bulletin board).
-          For dramatic play, students played with cotton batting pretending they live in the Arctic.
-          We did a pretend sleep over on our Pyjama Day.

-          We tried to help our students get to hold on to the rope and do swinging challenges.
-                             We played many games using bean bags and deck rings.