Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Abraar School 4th Annual Quran Competition 2012-2013

Abraar School 4th   Annual Quran Competition 2012-2013
·      Registration:         All entries must be registered with Tr. Samia and must be received by January 31st, 2013.
(No registrations will be accepted past this date).
·      Judging Criteria:  Students will be judged based on memorization, rules of recitation (Tajweed), voice quality,                     
and voice clarity.
·      Prizes:                   First and Second places in each age group will receive valuable prizes Inshallah.
·      More details and information will follow and for any questions please contact Tr. Samia.

Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas and Al Masad. (5 Suras)
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Al Masad, Annasr, Al Kawther, Al Asr,  Al Feel and Quraish. (10 Suras)
Al Asr, Al Feel, Quraish, Al Kaferoon, Al Maoon, Al Homaza, Attakathor, Al Qareah, Al Adiat and Al Qadr. (10 Suras)
Al Zalzala, Atteen, Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Ashareh, Adduha, Allail, Ashams, Al Balad and Al Fajr. (10 Suras)
Al Gashia, Al Alla, Al Bayyana, Attariq, Al Borooj, Al Mutafifeen, Abasa and Al Infitar. (8 Suras)
Al Mutafifeen, Al Infitar, Atakweer, Abasa, Annaziaat, Annaba, Al Insan and Al Mursalat. (8 Suras)
Al Mursalat, Al Insan, Al Qiama, Al Mudather, Al Jinn and Al Mozzamel. (6 Suras)
Al Mozzamel, Al Jinn, Nooh, Al Maarej, Al Haaqa and Al Qalam. (6 Suras)
Al Qalam, Al Mulk, Attahreem, Attalaq, Al Monafiqoon and Attagabon. (6 Suras)
Al Hasher, Al Momtahena, Assaf, Al Jumoaah, Al Monafiqoon and Al Tagaboon. (6 Suras)

Monday, 10 December 2012

Weekly Update….

December 3- December 7

Theme of the week: Getting Colder 

Morning Discussion:
-          How to warm yourself during cold weather?
-          Some stories have been read to our students.
-          Special thanks to Dr. Aisha Shirazi and sister Madleen for putting the time and effort to come and read for our dear students as well as leading an activity.

Language Arts:
-          We introduced the letter “Gg” through acting a story, activity sheets, playdough, sign language symbol, tracing/writing and songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvPo7aEQMxg.
-     Students started working on thier second personal journal. First personal journal will be sent home soon, Insha’Allah.

We covered the following:
-          Shape patterns.
-          Counting 1-30.
-          Counting 1-10 backwards.
-          Still working on weather graph.
-          Still working on making estimates.
-      Count and trace number 4.

-          We did the sinking and floating experiment in the science lab.

-          Lady bug under cover craft was sent home.
-     Students got the chance to paint on bristle boards using different materials and tools to get different shades, effects and prints using different colors. Jazaha Allahu Khyran sister Madleen for putting the time, effort and materials to help making this art work a successful one!
-     The picture below shows the end project.

-       Please remember to check the lost and found box placed on top of the boy’s cubbies.
-       Thursday December 19: Field Trip to the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

A Message from T.Hoda

A message from Tr. Hoda
Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents
Masha’Allah JK 1 & 2 finished memorizing and applying tajweed rules for surat: “ Al-Fateehaa”, “ Al-Nass”, “ Al-Falaqq” and “ Al-Ekhlass”.
Now they are memorizing surat “ Al-Massad”.
Please help your child at home, by practicing and reviewing the above surahs.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation and support.
                                                                                                               Tr. Hoda


Monday, 3 December 2012

Weekly Update….

Theme of the week: Getting Colder 

When it comes to winter and hibernation there is a lot to discuss and do.  We decided to discover how animals escape and adapt to cold weather.

Morning Discussion:
-          How do animals, birds and insects prepare for cold weather?
-          Some animals sleep for the whole season, some hide in caves, some migrate to warmer climates and others grow fur/feather to keep them warm.
-          Some stories have been read to our students by many volunteers, Jazahum Allahu Khyran. (Henry’s Awful Mistake, but no Elephants, It was you Blue Kangaroo and some others stories about skating and hockey).
-          Students were shown different objects and they sorted them out according to weather (summer or winter).
-          Students had fun hiding in caves that we built in the classroom using cardboard.

Language Arts:
-          We introduced the letter “f” through acting a story, activity sheets, playdough, sign language symbol, tracing/writing and songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvPo7aEQMxg
 -          We learnt the sight word “the “. Students had the chance to look for it in a story book.
We covered the following:
-          Green triangle-orange square pattern.
-          Counting 1-30.
-          Counting 1-10 backwards.
-          Still working on weather graph.
-          Still working on making estimates.

-          Students got to investigate and discuss ice vs. warm water.  They were shown a real thermometer (a small one) and told how to use it to know the temperature of the water.
(We are thinking of doing this experiment again once we have a big accurate thermometer so students can watch how the mercury rise when placed in hot water and go down when placed in cold water).

-          Students did styrofoam craft called: “geese in flight”. (The focus in that craft was on fine motor skills, yarn lacing, and discussing how geese migrate moving south). Students were shown the globe to see where south is.
-          Students worked on a craft called: “bears in the Cave” using paper plates and glitter.
-          They also worked on the letter “f” craft like the one shown in the picture.

-          Students played “Hot Potato” , “ Score a goal” , “Freeze Tag” along with playing with gym toys.

Show and Tell:
-          Students have been bringing nice toys from home as their show and tell.
-          I believe it is time for our students to try to bring something that starts with the letter of the week. i.e. a toy fish,frog,firetruck,feather or fork would be great for the letter ‘f’.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Weekly Update…. 

"He it is Who produceth gardens trellised and untrellised, and the date-palm, and crops of divers flavour, and the olive and the pomegranate, like and unlike. Eat ye of the fruit thereof when it fruiteth, and pay the due thereof upon the harvest day, and be not prodigal. Lo! Allah loveth not the prodigals". Quran

Circle time discussions:

We discussed the Harvest theme with our little ones and tried to relate it to Islam and how Allah blessed humanity with different types of foods and crops.

We read some stories related to the theme (Like: What’s for lunch, Moose, Amalia Bedilia and Howard Learns about Mud and Rainbow).

Sister Madleen, Jazaha Allahu Khyran, read a really nice story to our students called “I Love you Blue Kangaroo”. The students enjoyed listening to the story and afterwards they were given a coloring activity that was prepared by Sister Madleen.

Along with theme discussions we did the following:

-       Reviewed alphabet letters a-d (letter recognition, sound and sign language symbol).
-       Introduced the letter “e” through:  recognition, stories, playdough, tracing , writing and craft.

-          Trace/ write number 3.
-          Shapes patterns.
-          Weather Graph.
-          Count from 1-20.

-          Students worked on lacing some pictures.
-          Worked on the “Corn Cob Weaving” craft.

Physical Development/ Health:
-          Students enjoyed throwing plastic balls into baskets working as a team.
-          JK1 , JK2 and SK students had fun playing the “Vegetable Hunt” outside of the school.
Potatoes and onions were hidden under the play structure and students were digging and trying to look for them. Students found most of the vegetables, but we are still missing some!