Re: Fun
Last Weeks of School
Date: June 6, 2013

June 10th: Funny Socks Day:
The children can wear socks that they think are funny. Try bright colours, bold
pictures or mismatching!
June 12th: Bubble Day:
Please send a bubble bottle with your
child to enjoy outdoors with bubbly fun J
June 17th: Ice Cream Day: We are looking for your generous help on this
day in providing ice cream for the class. If you prefer to send money, that’s
great too. (There is a form at the bottom of the letter.)
June 19th: Silly Costume/Dress Up Day: send your child to school wearing his/her
favourite dress up costume, funny hat or any silly attire.
June 21st: Water Gun Day: Please send a water gun with your child to
enjoy a splash in the sun (a small towel and a spare outfit is a good idea to
send with your child on this day).
June 24th: Strawberry Picking and Water Park Field trip day
(tentative): Your child
will get to pick his/her own fresh strawberries from the strawberry farm and
bring them home for strawberry smoothies, or a strawberry pie! We are planning
to head to a water park afterwards insha’Allah. Please provide your child with a swim suit,
towel and an extra outfit.
That will be all
for now,
Tr. Hiat and Tr.Nermin