Monday, 3 June 2013

A Message from Sister Madliene

Assalamu alaikum dear parents;
I pray all is going well Inshallah.
On Wednesday, we read a nice book called " The Gruffalo".
The children enjoyed it a lot. We also colored a fun page
related to the book, and watched a movie as well.
I thought of listing the resources that I found  so that
you can look them up and hopefully enjoy them with your child.

1. " The Gruffalo " Book is available in the public library. 
   you can order it directly from this link:
2. " The Gruffalo " movie is also available in the public library:
3. The Gruffalo coloring page   /GruffaloColoringSheet.pdf
4. A complete list of material from Early Learning HQ
   (in free downloadable PDF format) which includes:
   * a number of coloring sheets for the main characters
Other useful -downloadable- material can also be found here:

 Jazakum Allah Khair.
Sr. Madlien