Sunday 18 November 2012

Weekly Update….

Circle time discussions:
Last week was anti-bullying week at Abraar School and JK1 class were spoken to about it.
Students were shown pictures about bullying (posted on our bulletin board) and discussed the 3 strategies of what to do if you ever get bullied. (1- Take a stand 2- tell an adult 3- stay safe).
We also talked about the concept of bucket filling and bucket dipping (ask your son/daughter about it).
Students got to know that doing good things not only fills your bucket, but also fills other peoples’ too.
We read some stories related to the theme (Fill a bucket and Will you fill my bucket?)
We usually do our theme discussions early in the morning after the calendar and weather.
Along with theme discussions we did the following:

-         Reviewed alphabet letters a-d (letter recognition, sound and sign language symbol) through some songs, flashcards and activity sheets.
-         Name writing/ copying. 

-         Introduced number 3.
-         Patterns.
-         Shapes (Triangle, circle and square).

-         Our little scientists love going to the science lab. They got to inspect and investigate some vegetables and fruits (potatoes, onions, carrots and melons).
-         They were asked about the color, shape, skin, feeling, which ones have seeds, which ones can be eaten raw and which ones need to be cooked.  Students used magnifiers for the first time.

-         Students did a craft (D is for duck).
-         Drew pictures for their star of the week friend.

Physical Development/ Health:
-         Students got to know the difference between, walking, running, jogging and hopping. They practiced doing that through playing individually and as a team.
-         Students had so much fun in their first swimming class. The pictures were worth sharing.